Annica has set her centre of life where she grew up and also shows this through a pronounced voluntary activity in the volunteer fire brigade. Coming from a large family herself (is that why she loves the sociable meerkats so much?), however, she also wants her own little family. She enjoys spending time with children, whether it’s her own younger siblings or the neighbourhood kids. Looking after two children’s fire brigades underlines her love of children.

For Annica, making ends meet, staying healthy and achieving the goals she dreams of are the epitome of happiness. Her voluntary work already shows how important it is to her to help and to pull together with others. But teamwork is also central to her job. She finds strength and confirmation in the fact that others like what she does. In general, she likes to have everything perfect and therefore always looks where there is still something for her to do.

When work and the fire brigade still leave time, Italian food is her great passion. Friends and family are spoiled with it, although Annica’s no-go’s fish and cheese are certainly not on the menu then.

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